A message from Guy Ashton

Meyler Campbell
28th March 2024

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A message from Guy Ashton

A year on from Guy Ashton’s appointment to CEO of Meyler Campbell, he shares what has been happening in the last 365 days and his plans for the future of Meyler Campbell.

“So, it has been a year since I was appointed to succeed Catherine Devitt as CEO. It has been a fabulous privilege to get into the seat and marvel at the constellation of excellence that is Meyler Campbell.

First and foremost, there’s the office team of Claire, Alana, Sophie, and Millie. They have been a wonderful support and guide for me. They have been great enthusiasts for the development of the firm whilst maintaining their excellent standard of devotion to our clients, be they past, present or future. I can’t thank them enough.

Then there is our amazing faculty - from the longest-standing to the newest members they are at the heart of Meyler Campbell’s unique offering of developing “coaching fluency” for our clients - whether those clients are embarking on a career as top-flight executive or team coaches or building their skills as leaders-in-role. Faculty members bring excellence, generosity, devotion, and inspiration to their work - the more I see of it the more impressive it is. And then there’s the wider community of alumni, friends, and partners. As it grows it is harder to connect to everyone - hence the appointment of “ambassadors” to increase the active contacts - but whoever I meet I find a deep level of support and goodwill – and of course the occasional, but very welcome, challenge.

So, what is going on for the future? My key mantra is to ensure that everything we do serves to increase the value we offer to the community. So, we are focussing on maintaining the standards of excellence of our delivery and our intake, whilst trying to widen access. We are, for instance, widening our geographic and sector reach as well as increasing our visibility through effective use of our incredible content. We are also working on responding to feedback from the community by simplifying and streamlining networking and learning events to make them more accessible. We have a major project to digitise our written content which should enable more rapid “updation” (a word that doesn’t exist but should) and also to enable it to flex to meet differing client needs and contexts. We are also focusing on facilitating connections within the community at a smaller more intimate level as well as maintaining our major events such as the Annual Lecture, Graduation, and the seasonal gatherings.

There’s a lot happening, but all of it is based on carefully holding the jewel that Anne Scoular created, and Catherine developed and helping it shine ever more brightly.”


Guy Ashton, CEO at Meyler Campbell

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