We are proud to announce the launch of our much anticipated team coaching programme,
Meyler Campbell Unlimited.
The Unlimited Programme is a new addition to our stable of coach certification programmes and has been designed for experienced executive coaches to develop their capability as a Team Coach.
Unlike many other team coaching programmes on the market, Unlimited doesn't follow a single approach or model. Instead, the programme and team of experienced tutors will encourage participants to work with one another to test and explore and work beyond the boundaries of their own knowledge. The programme is designed to bring together experienced individual coaches who are committed to becoming team coaches.
This is not a ‘course’. It is a development programme for experienced coaches.
It's an opportunity to learn and build on all that you already know and can do, while acquiring a whole new set of skills and tools; your new knowledge and capabilities will give you the confidence to expand your practice into the team coaching space or to enhance and extend your existing team coaching practice.
Through a single, shared set of Parameters we will explore any coaching method, psychological angle, challenge, or insight you can share - and devise new solutions together.
There are four elements to the Unlimited programme:
On completion, a panel of Meyler Campbell Faculty members will review your experience, and the material you submit, before evaluating your Qualification.
To learn more, visit our website here: Unlimited Programme or download our Guide to Unlimited.
Please contact Meyler Campbell directly if you require any further information about the Unlimited Programme by emailing us at info@meylercampbell.com or call us on +44 (0)20 8460 4790.